(update) |
m (→Aside, Section, Article, Header, Footer - the alternative HTML tags: added 'main') |
=Aside, Section, Article, Header, Main, Footer - the alternative HTML tags=
In HTML5, where you could use Div before, you can now use header, footer, aside, main, article or section. These were introduced because they are more meaningful terms.
aside - this is used to group elements that are not an essential part of the content and typically appear to one side;▼
section - Like div this is a way of grouping elements, but it is often used when the grouped elements do have a connection with those outside the section grouping.▼
▲<aside> - this is used to group elements that are not an essential part of the content and typically appear to one side;
<article> - this is used to group elements that have a logical connection with each other, but are not essential to be related to the elements outside the article grouping, you can have several ''article'' elements and can nest them like ''div'';
▲<section> -
<main> - this is a special grouping tag, it can only appear once, it should not include any navigation links, header nor footer information; it is used to denote the part of a web-page that really matters, the bit you might choose to read first or have displayed when you first visit the page.