m (→What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus correspond to, with Fine Offset stations?: slight re-sequencing for better clarity and additon of shorter summary) |
m (→What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus correspond to, with Fine Offset stations?: added matching directions) |
=== In detail with all the configurations ===
* The highest of the Fine Offset 'Gust' values over the previous 10 (number fixed and not configured to match any other interval set) minutes becomes what Cumulus
* The value labelled 'Latest'('<#wlatest>', matching direction is '<#currentwdir>' and '<#bearing>') by Cumulus is Fine Offset console 'Gust' value. (Cumulus also adds each new latest value to the array <#wspddata> and moves the index of the array <#nextwindindex> onto the next position in the circular array.
* The Cumulus 'Average' ('<#wspeed>' matching direction reported as '<#wdir>' and '<#avgbearing>') can be calculated in 3 different ways:
** The default: If 'Calculate 10-min wind average' is not selected on the Station Settings screen, the console 'Wind' value is reported.
** If 'Calculate 10-min wind average' is selected, but 'Use speed for avg calculation' is left un-selected; then the average of the Fine Offset 'Gust' values read over the previous N (configurable, defaults to 10) minutes is reported.