m (→Current builds of MX: added b 3072) |
m (→MySQL settings) |
** MX provides this alternative option, again doing an upload as part of roll over to next day, but here you can specify the schema, and say which columns are to be updated with two options:
*# A tick box to enable or disable this upload (so you can leave the SQL recorded, but stop running it when you like.
*# The SQL you want to run,
*#* Here is an example of a suitable query that MX can process for you (note I have had to include some yesterday tags e.g. for primary key ('''<#metdateyesterday format=yyyy-MM-dd>''') and that I have added a second query with sub-query after the first):
<pre>INSERT IGNORE INTO `test_daily_summary` (`MaxRainRate`, `TMaxRainRate`, `HighHourRain`, `THighHourRain`, `TotRainFall`, `SnowFalling`, `SnowLying`, `SnowDepth`, `CumChillHours`, `LogDate`, `RollOver`, `MinTemp`, `TMinTemp`, `HeatDegDays`, `AvgTemp`, `MaxTemp`, `TMaxTemp`, `CoolDegDays`, `LowDewPoint`, `TLowDewPoint`, `LowHum`, `TLowHum`, `HighHum`, `THighHum`, `HighDewPoint`, `THighDewPoint`, `GreatWindChill`, `TGreatWindChill`, `LowAppTemp`, `TLowAppTemp`, `HighAppTemp`, `THighAppTemp`, `HighHeatInd`, `THighHeatInd`, `MinPress`, `TMinPress`, `MaxPress`, `TMaxPress`, `HighAvgWSpeed`, `THighAvgWSpeed`, `StrongestWindGust`, `TStrongestWindGust`, `BearStrongestWindGust`, `BearDomWind`, `BearDomWindSym`, `TotWindRun`) VALUES ('<#rrateTM>', '<#TrrateTM>', '<#hourlyrainTH>', '<#ThourlyrainTH>', '<#rfall> ', '<#snowfalling>', '<#snowlying>', '<#snowdepth>', '<#chillhours>
** Again before you enable this option, there is a facility lower down this setting page (under the heading '''Create database table''') where you can type some SQL to be run immediately, that can create the table you want this option to update, (although it could even populate any table with historic data, it is only intended for a small query). I am using a table that already exists as I have used it for testing changes to my PHP scripts, so I did not need to create a table.