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* 1.''Dayfile.txt upload''
** This section is about uploading to a database table that contains one row for each day.
** This feature takes the set of values that MX has just used for the line added to this [[dayfile.txt|log file]] at the end of the day, and soon afterwards inserts those same values into a new row (with columns named as per SQL example below) in a database table.
#If you don't have a table in your database for this upload (skip to step 3 if you do), first
#* Choose Table name - the default table name is "Dayfile", but you can choose any other name
#*Now move down the screen and click the '''Save''' button, and wait for MX to pop up '''Settings Saved''' message
# Now find "Create database table" section below the Save button and click '''Create Dayfile'''.
#Now*This youwill havecreate athe table inusing the database.following Also continueSQL (here ifusing youdefault table alreadyname):
** There are 3 items to use, 2 in this section and below all the option sections a Save button:
**# Enable - tick here when you are ready for this action [using the schema (set of column names) in the SQL quoted below] to happen at end of day
**# Save - a button after all option sections, until you click it any changes you make in this section have no effect
** Before you reach the end of day that will use this option you do need to create the required database table, and you will find the necessary option lower down on the setting page '''Create Dayfile'''. Do not use the Create action until you have chosen a table name in the upload section (if you don't want default table name) and have clicked Save to tell MX to use your chosen name. Once you have done that, click this Create Dayfile option and it will create the table using the following SQL (here using default table name):
<pre>CREATE TABLE Dayfile (LogDate date NOT NULL ,HighWindGust decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,HWindGBear varchar(3) NOT NULL,THWindG varchar(5) NOT NULL,MinTemp decimal(5,1) NOT NULL,TMinTemp varchar(5) NOT NULL,MaxTemp decimal(5,1) NOT NULL,TMaxTemp varchar(5) NOT NULL,MinPress decimal(6,1) NOT NULL,TMinPress varchar(5) NOT NULL,MaxPress decimal(6,1) NOT NULL,TMaxPress varchar(5) NOT NULL,MaxRainRate decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,TMaxRR varchar(5) NOT NULL,TotRainFall decimal(6,1) NOT NULL,AvgTemp decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,TotWindRun decimal(5,1) NOT NULL,HighAvgWSpeed decimal(3,1),THAvgWSpeed varchar(5),LowHum decimal(4,0),TLowHum varchar(5),HighHum decimal(4,0),THighHum varchar(5),TotalEvap decimal(5,1),HoursSun decimal(3,1),HighHeatInd decimal(4,1),THighHeatInd varchar(5),HighAppTemp decimal(4,1),THighAppTemp varchar(5),LowAppTemp decimal(4,1),TLowAppTemp varchar(5),HighHourRain decimal(4,1),THighHourRain varchar(5),LowWindChill decimal(4,1),TLowWindChill varchar(5),HighDewPoint decimal(4,1),THighDewPoint varchar(5),LowDewPoint decimal(4,1),TLowDewPoint varchar(5),DomWindDir varchar(3),HeatDegDays decimal(4,1),CoolDegDays decimal(4,1),HighSolarRad decimal(5,1),THighSolarRad varchar(5),HighUV decimal(3,1),THighUV varchar(5),HWindGBearSym varchar(3),DomWindDirSym varchar(3),PRIMARY KEY(LogDate)) COMMENT = "Dayfile from Cumulus"</pre>
#With the table existing, all you need to do is:
#**# Enable - tick here when you are ready for this action [using the schema (set of column names) in the SQL quoted below] to happen at end of day
#* Now move down the screen and click the '''Save''' button, and wait for MX to pop up '''Settings Saved''' message.
#At the end of the meteorological day, MX will now automatically run the SQL to add a new row with the daily summary values as mentioned at the start of this section.
*3.''Monthly log file upload''
**Cumulus starts a new log file for each new month, that is why this is called the monthly log.
**This database table has one row for each line in that monthly log.
** This feature takes the set of values that MX has just added to the monthly log file, and soon afterwards inserts those same values into a new row in a database table.
#If you don't have a table in your database for this upload (skip to step 3 if you do), first
#* Choose Table name - the default table name is "Monthly", but you can choose any other name
#*Now move down the screen and click the '''Save''' button, and wait for MX to pop up '''Settings Saved''' message
# Now find "Create database table" section below the Save button and click '''Create Monthly'''.
** Just like with the dayfile.txt upload option, you select the table name in this option and click Save button, then use a separate option, lower down this settings page, to create the necessary table and that option is '''Create Monthly'''.
** This feature allows you to upload the file that Cumulus creates each month to log detailed measurements on a regular basis, apart from the Save button below it there are just two items:


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