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== Key Features ==
#How much does Cumulus cost?
*Free for personal and non-profit use, (Steve Loft said "but a donation would be appreciated if you continue to use Cumulus after trying it", since he retired from developing Cumulus, the donation option has ended)
#*Cumulus is totally Free for personal and non-profit use,
*Cumulus 1 runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
#*Commercial use of Cumulus MX is not permitted due to library software used with it
*Cumulus 2 and 3 (MX) runs on the last two Windows versions plus all devices running a Unix type environment (such as Linux and Mac OS X).
#*(Steve Loft who was the original developer called it shareware and said "a donation would be appreciated if you continue to use Cumulus after trying it")
*Cumulus 1 Supports Davis Vantage Pro and Pro2; Oregon Scientific WM918, WMR-918, WMR-928, WMR-968 weather stations; EasyWeather stations (MyDEL, Nevada, Watson, Fine Offset, WH1080, WH1081, W8681, FWS-20 etc); La Crosse WS-2300, and other models in the WS23xx range.
#*Please note: since Steve retired from developing Cumulus, the donation option for Cumulus has ended, but there is a donation option for Steelseries options used in MX.
Cumulus MX adds further modern stations to the list see [[Supported_Devices|Supported Devices page]] for up-to-date details.
#What devices does Cumulus run on?
*Easy to use, clean display [Cumulus 1 has display/editing screens appearing directly on PC running the software, Cumulus MX generates a user interface that is viewed (on your local network) using a browser]
#*Cumulus 1 runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
*Choice of meteorological day - midnight to midnight or 0900 to 0900 (optionally during summertime only 1000 to 1000)
#*Cumulus 2 is no longer available
*Cumulus 1 offered real time web display of wind speed and direction using Silverlight software that is no longer functional
#*Cumulus 2 and 3 (normally known as MX) runs on the last two Windows versions plus all devices running a Unix type environment (such as Linux and Mac OS X).
*Automatic upload of data to web sites, Weather Underground, CWOP/APRS, PSW Weather/WeatherForYou/HAMweather, WOW, Twitter
#What weather stations does Cumulus work with?
*Ready-made web template pages supplied, or build your own using web tags
#*Cumulus 1 Supports Davis Vantage Pro and Pro2; Oregon Scientific WM918, WMR-918, WMR-928, WMR-968 weather stations; EasyWeather stations (MyDEL, Nevada, Watson, Fine Offset, WH1080, WH1081, W8681, FWS-20 etc); La Crosse WS-2300, and other models in the WS23xx range.
*Configurable alarms for various conditions
#*Cumulus MX adds further modern stations to the list see [[Supported_Devices|Supported Devices page]] for up-to-date details.
*Sunrise, sunset, and (Cumulus 1 only) moon phase display
#How can I view the weather derivatives calculated by Cumulus?
*Cumulus 1 can display selected historical data for any given month, year, or other period
#*Whatever units your weather station uses for the weather readings it provides to Cumulus, Cumulus will derive values in your chosen units, and calculate other values derived from combining say temperature, humidity and wind speed.
*Cumulus MX saves data from past months and can output regularly to a database (either standard or customised)
#*Cumulus 1 has a simple main screen summarising all the current weather shown on PC running the software, from that various menu options give access to settings screens, graphs, screens to show extremes for any period, screens to correct errors in your extreme records, screens to view log files, and screens to edit log files and extreme files.
*Graphical display selected from Cumulus 1 main screen of historical data for any time period
#* Cumulus MX generates an admin interface that is viewed (on your local network) using a browser. Tabs in that interface give access to settings, charts, a summary dashboard, a tabular current conditions, a tabular today/yesterday summary, and the extremes for various fixed periods
*Generation of xAP home automation weather reports
*Choice#A key feature of all Cumulus flavours is they give you a choice of meteorological day - midnight to midnight or 0900 to 0900 (optionally during summertime only 1000 to 1000). This enables you to emulate official weather stations that work on days starting at 9am.
*Comprehensive help file included
#*Where you do use a 9 am start, all weather observations are attributed to the calendar date when the meteorological day starts.
*Free support available in the support forum
#*Cumulus will not automatically log minimum temperature against the date when the meteorological day ends as per official meteorological practice nor will it attribute some other parameters to the calendar date. But since Cumulus makes all the values it derives available, this processing can be done outside Cumulus to ensure your own web pages show correctly according to meteorological practice.
#How frequently does Cumulus update its outputs?
#*The screens in the MX admin interface use ajax to interrogate application programming interfaces that will show updates as frequently as your weather station can provide them.
#*Cumulus 1 and MX can upload information at a default period of every 15 minutes, but this can be varied to suit you. There is also functionality to do some actions after a meteorological day has ended, in Cumulus 1 this is very basic, but in MX the functionality available is similar as at the standard updating interval.
#*You can optionally also use real-time uploading, set at a much more frequent interval to upload files relating to current conditions.
#*Cumulus 1 offered real time web display of wind speed and direction using Silverlight software that is no longer functional
#Can Cumulus upload to external home automation servers or other sites that accept weather records?
#*Yes, there is automatic generation of xAP home automation weather reports, and uploads to external web sites.
#*AutomaticFor uploadCumulus of1 dataand toMX webthese sites,include: Weather Underground, CWOP/APRS, PSW Weather/WeatherForYou/HAMweather, WOW, Twitter
#* For MX, MQTT is added for home automation and windy is added to external web sites.
#Can Cumulus upload to a personal web site?
#*Yes, there are ready-made web template files supplied that can create web pages. Plus all the information that Cumulus outputs is available in web tags that you can incorporate into your own web templates for Cumulus to upload for you as web pages.
#*Cumulus MX will also automatically send rows to update a MySQL database, and you can use that database for further web pages on your web site.
#Does Cumulus warn me if the temperature is very high or very low or other extremes happen?
#*Yes both Cumulus 1 and MX provide configurable alarms for various conditions
#Does Cumulus provide any non-weather information for my web site?
#*Yes, Cumulus will provide times for sunrise, sunset, and a selection of parameters about the moon including an image to show current phase.
#What help and support is available?
#*Comprehensive help file included in Cumulus 1
#*This wiki is an extensive documentation feature capturing all that people have said or asked about in the past
#*Free support available in the support forum, particularly for MX.
== What does it look like ==


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