Category:Cumulus MX: Difference between revisions

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== Restrictions on who can use MX ==
MX makes extensive use of library packages:
MX makes extensive use of library packages like bootstrap (cascade styling), datatables (display and manipulation of tables), JQuery (JavaScript package that provides code supports for multiple browsers and other libraries to work together), high stock (for drawing charts), datepicker (a JavaScript based routine for making date selection possible using a calendar type interface as not all browsers directly support that), handlebars (templates for generating HTML), alapaca (JavaScript from Gitana Software that generates interactive HTML5 forms), Steelseries (provides the gauges used), dataTables (displaying the log files), altEditor (for editing the log files) and a few more. Most of these are open software and free for personal use, but some have restrictions on commercial use requiring a licence. Consequently, MX does have to declare it is not for use on a commercial web site.
* like bootstrap (cascade styling),
*datatables (display and manipulation of tables),
*JQuery (JavaScript package that provides code supports for multiple browsers and other libraries to work together),
*high stock (for drawing charts),
*datepicker (a JavaScript based routine for making date selection possible using a calendar type interface as not all browsers directly support that),
*handlebars (templates for generating HTML),
* alapaca (JavaScript from Gitana Software that generates interactive HTML5 forms),
*Steelseries (provides the gauges used),
*altEditor (for editing the log files) and a few more.
Fuller information on these is at [[#Library_software| section titlied Library_software]].
Most of these are open software and free for personal use, but some have restrictions on commercial use requiring a licence. Consequently, MX does have to declare it is not for use on a commercial web site.
=== Message from Steve Loft about who can use MX ===


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