m (→altEditor) |
m (→altEditor) |
** MX when it added editing of log files at version 3.4.5 - Build 3069 (Friday 13 March 2020) adopted this software as it was free (although Mark Crossley said in his release notice: '''"The main thrust of this release is to add some log file editing capability to Cumulus MX. It works on all three log file types, but it is fairly basic at present. You can edit or delete lines in the files. The editing has to be done via pop-up dialog.'''
**'''I only found two libraries that support JQuery dataTables editing, one is very comprehensive - but costs $$$ - the other is free. The free version does not currently support in-line editing of the table which is a shame.'''
** '''If any web guru out there can come up with a better solution please post about it on the forum, or send a pull request."''') ''(By the way, it is possible to provide in-line editing and make it work with the existing api interface, but making it compatible with the obsolete software used by MX is hard).''
*The single line of fields that is result of an edit or deletion done on the modal is sent back via another api to the server (the MX engine in our case) and that then regenerates the dataTables in the state after whatever action was done, sending back again up to 10 lines for the same page as before.
*As it happens there is another JQuery dataTables editing tool, but it has not been maintained since 2012. It is found at https://github.com/NicolasCARPi/jquery_jeditable, but the documentation is now only available in an archive at https://web.archive.org/web/20200615000000*/https://appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable. It is designed for editing table cells, so it does not involve any pop-up dialog.