Cumulus.ini (Cumulus 1): Difference between revisions

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m (Protected "Cumulus.ini (Cumulus 1)": Cumulus 1 now legacy ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)))
'''(Note: no longer used, so only present if you used an early Cumulus 1 version)'''; ''If you know which builds this parameter applies to, please update this entry.''
Later Cumulus 1 builds, all Cumulus 2, and all Cumulus MX builds, use [[today.ini] to track date/time. This date/time (regardless of whether thisthe tracking parameter is present in Cumulus.ini or today.ini) is available on your website by using [[Webtags#Miscellaneous|<#LastDataReadT>]]
|If this parameter is not included in the file, then any snow entries in the [[Weather Diary]] for a particular date will continue to be used {{Version badge 1}}, in output by Cumulus 1, until 9am the next morning, when entries for the current date will apply.
*Allowed values are the integers 0 to 23
*The time is constant year round, in UK "a day of snow" could (before climate change) happen in April despite that being after swapping to summer (daylight saving) time.
| * When set to 1 (default) stops new Longest Wet/Dry Period records being 'flashed' in Cumulus 1
* Set to 0 if you are happy to have the record light on your Cumulus 1 main screen flash for each rainfall update
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]It is not clear if MX reads this parameter, as it does not show this record on the admin interface dashboard
#wind speed
This parameter allows disabling of that sensor check:
* 0 = Sensor check enabled (default)
==== Read-Write parameters in the Station section ====
The read-write parameters are set using '''Station Configuration Screen''' in Cumulus 1 (C1). ''The defaults for(that Cumulusapply 1unless you use that screen to change settings) are shown in left hand column.''
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|Type= -1
|Station Type as set by the checked radio box in the [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Configuration_Menu_Screens|Station Configuration Screen]], Station Type block. For details of [[Supported_Devices]] click that link, as it explains which weather station types are equivalent to the ones available as options on the screen.
*-1= default value, before a selection from those below is made. In Cumulus 1, this causes the configuration screen to be shown so thatwhen you start set up. In MX a message appears in the terminal (Windows command) screen saying that station type not known (see [[#Cumulus_MX|#Cumulus_MX section]] abovesoftware.
*0=Vantage Pro station
*1=Vantage Pro2 station
|In Cumulus 1 thereThere is an option of whether to record temperature and humidity (both indoor and outside values) in a single continuous log:
* 0 (default) = no special log
* 1 = Add this entry to start updating a file called 'speciallog.txt' in the data folder with the following fields:
date(dd/mm/yy),time(hh:mm),inside temp,inside humidity,inside dew point,outside temp,outside humidity,outside dew point
#inside temp,
#inside humidity,
#inside dew point,
#outside temp,
#outside humidity,
#outside dew point
See [ forum]
*0 = Disabled, application will close immediately
*1 = Enabled, application will prompt for confirmation that you wish to close it (do not use this if you might suspend/standby/hibernate your computer)
'''You should not select the next parameter 'CloseOnSuspend' if you use this option.'''
|If this is selected, in the Station Configuration Screen Program Settings block, Cumulus will close ifwhenever you suspend/standby/hibernate your computer. You should not select the previous parameter 'ConfirmClose' if you use this option.
*0 = Disabled, application will not close if you suspend/standby/hibernate your computer (it is highly recommended you close Cumulus manually before your computer is put into suspend/standby/hibernate state)
*1 = Enabled, application will close on suspend/standby/hibernate of your computer (recommended if your computer can go into any of these states when left alone)
'''You should not select the previous parameter 'ConfirmClose' if you use this option.'''
==== Spike Removal ====
'''The Cumulus help file says''' - "The "Spike removal" section allows you to specify the maximum differences between successive readings that you wish to allow, for Fine Offset and La Crosse stations. If a reading differs from the previous reading by the value you specify, or more, then it will be ignored. Be careful in your choice of values; if the difference is genuine, (i.e. not a 'spike') and exceeds your supplied value, then that reading will be 'stuck' at the previous value until a new reading returns to within your supplied difference.
Note that the spike removal values must be supplied in the 'native' units of the station, as shown on the screen. The gust value has no effect on La Crosse stations, as it only supplies one wind value - 'spike removal' is applied at the station level, unlike offsets and multipliers which are applied at a 'common' level; just use the 'wind speed' value."
*This section has the parameters are listed with defaults applicable up to Cumulus 1.9.4.
**7 of the 10 spike removal parameters listed below are adjusted in the frame at the bottom of the ''Calibration'' screen, off '''Configuration''' menu, they have a prefix of EW because they were introduced for dealing with problems seen in the Fine Offset family; the corrections are only applied when Cumulus 1 is reading directly from the station at a very frequent interval, spike removal does not apply when Cumulus is re-started and is transferring observations from the station logger to the Cumulus monthly log.
**The other 3 spike removal parameters have to be entered directly in cumulus.ini, none of these ones can be set on the 'calibration' screen.
**As Cumulus 1 does not check station type before applying any of these settings, ensure for Davis stations (these do not have spike problems) the spike removal filters are set to the defaults shown below.
**However, spike removal correction may be implemented for La Crosse stations, they can have problems with their PC interface, using the same EW filter settings listed below.
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!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus has a configurable threshold for the maximum feasible amount of rain between updates (i.e. within 48-seconds on Fine Offset stations without solar, 60 seconds on those measuring solar), set in units of count of tips.
Default=30 tips in Cumulus 1
For standard Fine Offset rain gauges, each tip represents 0.3mm, so 30 tips are equivalent to 9 mm, or just over a third of an inch in 48 seconds.
This setting affects rain rate, rain last hour, rain so far today (and what is recorded in today.ini/dayfile.txt), but does not affect the web tag <#r24hour>.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
An hourly rain count 'spike removal' filter for weather stations that do not supply this figure so Cumulus has to calculate it.
Any ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the hourly rain total.
Cumulus ignores this parameter if the weather station directly supplies this figure to Cumulus. '''999''' is the default indicating no spike removal required.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A rain rate 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here (set in calibration screen of configuration menu) will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the rain rate.
Cumulus ignores this parameter for other makes of weather station (they supply a rain rate to Cumulus). The default value of '''999''' also effectively makes Cumulus ignore spike removal.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A wind gust 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next, greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A wind speed 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A pressure change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'', from one reading to the next, off any station greater than the value (always mb) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are less than this value (units are always hPa/millibars)
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are greater than this value (units are always hPa/millibars).
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A temperature change 'spike removal' filter.
Replace default of 999.0 with the maximum difference in degrees Celsius (the units Cumulus uses for all calculations regardless of what you select for display) you are prepared to accept between successive data readings.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A humidity change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'' from any station greater than the value (as %) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen on C1.
*Default is zero as shown, disabling the spike removal feature.
*Add this line to file with Cumulus 1 stopped, and set to 1 for the spike removal feature to be enabled.
??It appears that Cumulus software limits the number of messages in the error log window to a maximum of 256, so that limit may affect reporting of spike removal, but hopefully it does not restrict the functionality of spike removal ?? '''Could someone verify that, and update this entry'''
==== Davis family specific: ====
Support for Davis Vantage pro 2 was introduced at Cumulus version 1.6.0. Prior to 1.9.x, not all parameter settings listed were available, check with release notes for your version and previous versions to see all settings applicable to any earlier version you use. "The DLL" is a Windows Dynamic Link Library supplied by Davis for third parties to use when writing software for Davis stations. It handles fetching data from the console, and does all kinds of useful things like converting the data into the units you require.
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|This read-only parameter is the period which Cumulus waits between reads of the data from Davis stations, the value is in milliseconds. The default if the parameter has not been added manually to the file is 500 ms; if you suspect that data is being missed, you could add this parameeterparameter, manually reducing this figure. For VirtualVP users, tests revealed that VP2SleepInterval = 1100 seems to work the best. It updates every two seconds with few exceptions. See note in ''readme.txt'' (file provided with the Cumulus software) about VP2SleepInterval - in Cumulus v1.9.3 release itfind isthe note around line 50. Related FAQ: [[FAQ#My_Davis_station_shows_a_higher_maximum_wind_speed_than_Cumulus]]
|{{Version badge 1}}Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Serial Port''' block.
Identifies COM Port used if Davis type is serial. Default is 0.
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
*0 (default) = Cumulus will just stop logging, and processing data, if it has had no data from the Davis station for 60 seconds. As it says in the Cumulus 1provided help, use of this parameter may not fix a connection problem. With this default setting a connection problem stops Cumulus logging, so once you have fixed the problem it will download the missing data when you start it up again.
*1 = Cumulus 1software attempts to restart itself if it has had no data from the station for 60 seconds. Davis stations can use this option explained in the [[#La_Crosse_specific:|La Crosse]] table if Cumulus sometimes fails to read information from the logger. Again, this may not fix the problem, but this setting does force Cumulus to have another attempt after making a new connection on start up.
====Introduced for problems with Fine Offset family:====
*These parameters were introduced for Cumulus 1 to cope with Fine Offset stations and their clones, but a few of the parameters below may be found to be useful more widely.
*SomeThe read-write parameters are set on screens, otherthe read-only attributes do not appear in the '''cumulus.ini''' file unless they are added using an external editor, but the values still have a recommended default value as explained below.
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|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section if application gets stuck in the download stage.
Introduced in version 1.8.5 (b.630) to deal with certain bytes being given the same value in first and second line.
*0 = Disabled, default, Cumulus accepts all bytes from the Fine Offset station's memory.
*1 = Ignores part of memory (see [ this forum thread]).
For example one problem is that "55 AA" repeats at the start of the second line of data. Those bytes are only supposed to appear at the start of the first line (or so ISteve amLoft was told).
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Got a pressure problem with a Fine Offset station when the pressure 'offset' that Cumulus reads is garbage, so Cumulus just uses zero?
Tell Cumulus what offset to use, by using an external text editor to insert this parameter where x.y is your pressure offset in in mb or hPa [i.e. your station (absolute) pressure subtracted from the sea-level (relative) pressure].
'''There is a bug in the legacy software, when reading pressure, it reads a byte that is not actually reporting pressure as well as byte that is reporting pressure'''
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu.
*0 = Disabled, default i.e. deselected on the Station Configuration Screen
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will restart if it detects that a Fine Offset station is unplugged. '''Note:''' Unless the station has been manually plugged in again, a Cumulus restart has no benefit; normally the station should be checked to be plugged in before Cumulus is ever started and the station then left plugged in.
'''Note:''' Unless the station has been manually plugged in again, a Cumulus restart has no benefit; normally the station should be checked to be plugged in before Cumulus is ever started and the station then left plugged in.
*0 = Synchronisation disabled, default (Cumulus reads the memory without taking into account when memory is being updated)
*1 = Re-synchronizes once each day, to avoid reading memory at time of memory update
Cumulus software as far as possible uses routines that are not specific to a particular weather station. A Fine Offset station will be writing to its memory every 48 (standard for models without solar sensors) or 60 (standard for models with radio controlled clock or solar sensors) seconds. Cumulus attempts to read the memory once a minute, and (dependingif onthe modelmemory updates every 48 seconds); might read the same memory update twice. Cumulus can attempt once a day to identify when this update of memory occurs, and thereafter try not to read the memory at update time, by using what is called a synchronisation mode of operation. See(avoiding nextthe parameterparticular second when the 48 or 60 second update happens).
==== Spike Removal ====
==== Reading File instead of weather station ====
'''The Cumulus help file says''' - "The "Spike removal" section allows you to specify the maximum differences between successive readings that you wish to allow, for Fine Offset and La Crosse stations. If a reading differs from the previous reading by the value you specify, or more, then it will be ignored. Be careful in your choice of values; if the difference is genuine, (i.e. not a 'spike') and exceeds your supplied value, then that reading will be 'stuck' at the previous value until a new reading returns to within your supplied difference.
Note that the spike removal values must be supplied in the 'native' units of the station, as shown on the screen. The gust value has no effect on La Crosse stations, as it only supplies one wind value - 'spike removal' is applied at the station level, unlike offsets and multipliers which are applied at a 'common' level; just use the 'wind speed' value."
*This section has the parameters are listed with defaults applicable up to Cumulus 1.9.4.
**7 of the 10 spike removal parameters listed below are adjusted in the frame at the bottom of the ''Calibration'' screen, off '''Configuration''' menu, they have a prefix of EW because they were introduced for dealing with problems seen in the Fine Offset family; the corrections are only applied when Cumulus 1 is reading directly from the station at a very frequent interval, spike removal does not apply when Cumulus is re-started and is transferring observations from the station logger to the Cumulus monthly log.
**The other 3 spike removal parameters have to be entered directly in cumulus.ini, none of these ones can be set on the 'calibration' screen.
**As Cumulus 1 does not check station type before applying any of these settings, ensure for Davis stations (these do not have spike problems) the spike removal filters are set to the defaults shown below.
**However, spike removal correction may be implemented for La Crosse stations, they can have problems with their PC interface, using the same EW filter settings listed below.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus has a configurable threshold for the maximum feasible amount of rain between updates (i.e. within 48-seconds on Fine Offset stations without solar, 60 seconds on those measuring solar), set in units of count of tips.
Default=30 tips in Cumulus 1
For standard Fine Offset rain gauges, each tip represents 0.3mm, so 30 tips are equivalent to 9 mm, or just over a third of an inch in 48 seconds.
This setting affects rain rate, rain last hour, rain so far today (and what is recorded in today.ini/dayfile.txt), but does not affect the web tag <#r24hour>.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
An hourly rain count 'spike removal' filter for weather stations that do not supply this figure so Cumulus has to calculate it.
Any ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the hourly rain total.
Cumulus ignores this parameter if the weather station directly supplies this figure to Cumulus. '''999''' is the default indicating no spike removal required.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A rain rate 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here (set in calibration screen of configuration menu) will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the rain rate.
Cumulus ignores this parameter for other makes of weather station (they supply a rain rate to Cumulus). The default value of '''999''' also effectively makes Cumulus ignore spike removal.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A wind gust 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next, greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A wind speed 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A pressure change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'', from one reading to the next, off any station greater than the value (always mb) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Functionality added from version 1.7.12 (when Fine Offset could not be interrogated via USB):
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are less than this value (units are always hPa/millibars)
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are greater than this value (units are always hPa/millibars).
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A temperature change 'spike removal' filter.
Replace default of 999.0 with the maximum difference in degrees Celsius (the units Cumulus uses for all calculations regardless of what you select for display) you are prepared to accept between successive data readings.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A humidity change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'' from any station greater than the value (as %) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen on C1.
*Default is zero as shown, disabling the spike removal feature.
*Add this line to file with Cumulus 1 stopped, and set to 1 for the spike removal feature to be enabled.
??It appears that C1 limits the number of messages in the error log window to a maximum of 256, so that limit may affect reporting of spike removal, but hopefully it does not restrict the functionality of spike removal ?? '''Could someone verify that, and update this entry'''
==== Reading File instead of weather station ====
'''Requiring Cumulus to read '''Easyweather.dat''' instead of a station directly perhaps for Stations not recognised by Cumulus'''
Functionality added from version 1.7.12 (when Fine Offset could not be interrogated via USB): '''Requiring Cumulus to read '''Easyweather.dat''' instead of a station directly perhaps for Stations not recognised by Cumulus'''
*Stations not recognised by Cumulus ''may'' be set to create an [[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |EasyWeather_Format]] file. For these the first two (or three) parameters below are mandatory.
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|This parameter is entered in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block.
*0= Default, meaning not applicable
*n= any positive decimal value representing Easyweather'''Easy Weather version 6.2, or earlier''', logging interval in minutes (used for reading single latest observations from [[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |Easyweather]] software output). Note to specify seconds, use decimal minutes, e.g. 30 seconds = 0.5
'''Note:''' If you have not set Station '''Type''' to 4, then Cumulus ignores this parameter, i.e. it only applies if Cumulus needs to know how often to read a new record from the easyweather.dat file.
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled; Use if you a) have Fine Offset models (generally those [[EasyWeather_Format#Note_on_Models|models 3xyz]]) with Solar/UV sensors, and b) '''Type=4''' set in that parameter (see top of [station] read-write section), and c) '''EWFile='''''path'''''/EasyWeatherPlus.dat''' set in previous parameter. Only relevant if '''all these''' conditions met.
'''Note:''' Cumulus uses this parameter to determine where to find each observation (e.g. outside temperature, wind speed, humidity etc.) in the latest file record. If you set this parameter wrong, Cumulus will assign what it finds in various field locations wrongly and therefore it is highly likely that temperatures, wind speeds and everything else will appear to have many rogue values in Cumulus but look okay on the weather station console display.
==== Oregon Scientific specific: ====
Support for Oregon stations was included in early versions of Cumulus software, removed in version 1.6.0, missing from all subsequent 1.6.x versions, and restored from version 1.7.0. Some parameters are set on a configuration screen (as identified in individual entries), others have to be entered directly in this file.
Read-write parameters are set on a configuration screen (as identified in individual entries), Read-only parameters have to be entered directly in this file.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-Write parameters - The parameters listed below can be edited on the screens noted.
==== Hydreon specific: ====
All 6 of these parameters are set on RG11 screen within configuration menu, seeuse itsthe ''Help'' buttonon that screen for more information.
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