#CumulusUtils can output for many languages. See the specific page on [[Language in CumulusUtils|language in CumulusUtils]].
#Development of CumulusUtils started in 9<sup>th</sup> of August 2019 with an initial commit of the Top10 written in C. Development changed rapidly to C# with an initial commit of Top10 on November 19 2019 of version 0.7.0. The rest of the history can be read in the [[Release Notes|release notes]].
#Users can present themselves on the CumulusUtils [[Map - Users of CumulusUtils|usermap]]. Although optional for module users the author sees it as payment for the usage of the tool, so please put yourself on the map. For website users it is automatic and obligatory.
#In case of problems there exists [[Errorlogging]].
#''CumulusUtils'' is © Hans Rottier and can be used under the [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Creative Commons Attribution License].