Copying to the webroot can also be done automatically through the FTP account of the user, much like ''CumulusMX'' itself copies e.g. the realtime.txt or the datafiles to the webroot. The FTP account and domain used are the same as present in the [[Cumulus.ini]] configuration.
=== Considerations with CMX configuration ===
Please note that CumulusUtils requires live data from CumulusMX to display what you expect. To accomplish that you need to configure CMX as follows:
In [i]Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings[/i] Tick both options to enable realtime FTP
In [i]Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Standard File settings[/i] Disable both options (for CumulusUtils, if have websites which use those leave it enabled)
In [i]Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Graph File Settings[/i] Enable all (bothe Generate and Transfer) except [i]availabledata.json[/i] and [i]airquality.json[/i]
and if you use the ChartsCompiler (or plan to use):
In [i]Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Daily Graph File Settings[/i] Enable all options
otherwise, disable.
if you start using the ChartsCompiler you may need the [i]UserAskedData[/i] command to CumulusUtils. See the ChartsCompiler.
You may want to read about and understand the [[Website_Generator#CumulusRealTimeLocation|''CumulusRealTimeLocation'']]
=== When and why to run ===