mNo edit summary |
== Alarms (and
In the table below "Notify" determines whether an alarm is shown on the "Dashboard" page, for release 3.11.2 and subsequent the alarm also has to be enabled for it to appear.
Introduction column:
# There was no alarm functionality in builds in the 3.0.0 and 3.1.x series
# Any alarm functionality where the column says "Legacy Cumulus" was available before 1.9.0 and introduced into MX in one of the releases between 3.2.0 and 3.5.4.
# Any alarm functionality where the column says "Cumulus 2" was requested for that withdrawn flavour, subsequently added to a 1.9.x release, introduced into MX in one of the releases between 3.2.0 and 3.5.4.
# New alarm functionality introduced in the range of releases 3.2.0 to 3.5.4 has that range shown (rather than the exact release).
# For alarm functionality first introduced in or after release 3.7.0, the release of introduction is shown in "Introduced" column.
# There were no changes to Alarm functionality between 3.7.1 and 3.8.4 inclusive, so if you are running one of the 3.8.x releases, the Wiki page that applies for "alarms" is [[Cumulus.ini_(MX_3.0.0_to_3.7.0)|the early MX releases page]], not this Wiki page.
# In the range of releases subsequent to 3.9.0 as covered by this Wiki page, the alarm functionality has been dramatically changing:
#* Latching of alarms was introduced at 3.9.1 (b. 3096), most alarms had no default for how long they stayed "latched", but at least one had a 12 hour default and at least one had an until end of day default.
#* At 3.9.2 (b.3097) reporting of notifications were added to the admin interface (called "Cumulus Dashboard" in the relevant release announcement at [https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=148406#p148406 Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST],
#* At 3.9.5 (b. 3100) the latching functionality was corected,
#* At 3.9.6 (b.3101) the alarm latch hours were all defaulted to 24 hours,
#* At 3.11.0 (build 3129) where the email functionality was added,
#* And at 3.11.2 (b. 3131) where the [https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=154233#p154233 release announcement] says "this release sees the Alarms getting some more love".
"Shown on Settings page?" and "MX Section" columns:
* For releases between 3.2.0 and 3.10.5, all alarm related settings were "always" shown, and none required opening a "MX section".
* For release 3.11.0 and subsequent releases, the introduction of email functionality means there are now some alarm related settings on the "Internet Settings" page, where there is a section "Email Server Settings" that needs to be opened, and a ''master'' setting that determines whether other settings are shown or not.
"Label on Settings page" column:
* For releases between 3.2.0 and 3.10.5, all alarm related settings were shown using [[MX_Basic_info#dataTables|a HTML table]], so the entry in the label column in the table below quotes the text shown after the check box that starts the settings table row
* For release 3.11.0 and subsequent releases, the introduction of email functionality means there are now some alarm related settings where the label column quotes the text shown beside the individual setting, but all other alarm related settings quote the text shown after the check box that starts a settings table row
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:30px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:100px" | Shown on Settings page?
!style="width:100px" | File Section
!style="width:100px" | MX Section
!style="width:60px" | Label on Settings page (mostly in '''Alarm''' column)
!style="width:20px" | Default
!style="width:300px" | Description
| alarmhighgust=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of calculated (10 minute) wind gust that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmhighpress=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of measured Sea Level Pressure that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmhighrainrate=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of calculated rainfall rate that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmhighraintoday=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of calculated daily rainfall total that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmhightemp=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of measured outside temperature that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmhighwind=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of calculated average wind speed that has to be exceeded to trigger the alarm
| alarmlowpress=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of measured Sea Level Pressure it must go below to trigger the alarm
| alarmlowtemp=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' of measured outside temperature it must go below to trigger the alarm
| alarmpresschange=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Cumulus 2
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' by which the measured Sea Level Pressure must rapidly change (in legacy Cumulus this was taking trend for the last hour, the developer has not specified what period applies for MX) to trigger the alarm
| alarmtempchange=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Cumulus 2
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0
| Use the spin button to select the '''Value''' by which the measured outside temperature must rapidly change (in legacy Cumulus this was taking trend for the last hour, the developer has not specified what period applies for MX) to trigger the alarm
| BatteryLowAlarmEmail=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| (blank)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| BatteryLowAlarmLatch=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| BatteryLowAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| BatteryLowAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| BatteryLowAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| (changed at 3.10.3)
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if the weather station either supplies a voltage, or other battery indication that can be interpreted, and MX interprets that as indicating a low battery
| BatteryLowAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| BatteryLowAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Station batteries are low
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| DataSpikeAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| DataSpikeAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| DataSpikeAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| DataSpikeAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| DataSpikeAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if while MX is processing raw data from the weather station (in archive catch-up or normal running) there is a spike (a change since previous raw value read that exceeds a difference as defined on "Calibration Settings → Spike removal")
| DataSpikeAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| DataSpikeAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| DataStoppedAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| DataStoppedAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| DataStoppedAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| DataStoppedAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.4.2
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| DataStoppedAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if while MX is processing raw data from the weather station (in archive catch-up or normal running) there is a spike (a change since previous raw value read that exceeds a difference as defined on "Calibration Settings → Spike removal")
| DataStoppedAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| DataStoppedAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.7.0
| Alarm Settings
| Data connection is lost
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| DestEmail=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| To email adressess(es)
| (blank)
| Please note: You cannot '''Update Alarms''' to save any settings on this page if the text box for this parameter is left blank.
You can enter either a single email addresss or a list of email addresses here, a semicolon must be used as separator between addresses.
| Enabled=0
| When section opened
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Enabled
| Not ticked (shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini)
| If you tick here, a selection of further options (identified by ^) are shown
| FromEmail=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| From email address
| (blank)
| Please note: You cannot '''Update Alarms''' to save any settings on this page if the text box for this parameter is left blank.
You can enter a single email addresss
| HighGustAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighGustAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighGustAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighGustAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighGustAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighGustAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighGustAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Wind gust more than:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HighPressAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighPressAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighPressAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighPressAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighPressAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighPressAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighPressAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure rises above:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HighRainRateAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighRainRateAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighRainRateAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighRainRateAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighRainRateAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighRainRateAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighRainRateAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall rate rises above:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HighRainTodayAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighRainTodayAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighRainTodayAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighRainTodayAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighRainTodayAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighRainTodayAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighRainTodayAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Rainfall today more than:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HighTempAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighTempAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighTempAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighTempAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighTempAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighTempAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighTempAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature rises above:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HighWindAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if alarm is triggered
| HighWindAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HighWindAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HighWindAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HighWindAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HighWindAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HighWindAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Average wind more than:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HttpUploadAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| HttpUploadAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| HttpUploadAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| HttpUploadAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| HttpUploadAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| HttpUploadAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| HttpUploadAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| HttpUploadAlarmTriggerCount=1
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| HTTP upload errors
| 1 (trigger immediently a failure occurs)
| Use the spin button to specify how many failures need to occur, within the latch time, before the alarm is triggered
| Logging=0
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.2
| This parameter can only be edited directly in the file with MX stopped
| n/a
| 0 (disabled)
| ??? Determines if alarms are logged ???
| LowPressAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| LowPressAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| LowPressAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| LowPressAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| LowPressAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| LowPressAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| LowPressAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure falls below:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| LowTempAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| LowTempAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| LowTempAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.1
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| LowTempAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| LowTempAlarmSet=1
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| LowTempAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| At time of writing there is a MX bug:
* (Reads) LowTempAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
* (Writes) LowTempAlarm.SoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature falls below:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| MySqlUploadAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| MySqlUploadAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| MySqlUploadAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| MySqlUploadAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| MySqlUploadAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| MySqlUploadAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| MySqlUploadAlarmTriggerCount=1
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| MySQL upload errors:
| 1 (trigger immediently a failure occurs)
| Use the spin button to specify how many failures need to occur, within the latch time, before the alarm is triggered
| Password=
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Password
| (blank)
| Text box where you enter password needed to authenticate with your SMTP email server
| Port=587
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Network Port
| 587
| Text box where you enter the port used to connect to your SMTP email server
| PressChangeAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| PressChangeAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| PressChangeAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| PressChangeAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| PressChangeAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if measured Sea Level Pressure rapidly changes (in legacy Cumulus this was taking trend for the last hour, the developer has not specified what period applies for MX) by, or more than, the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| PressChangeAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| PressChangeAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Pressure changes by:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| RequiresAuthentication=0
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Use authentication
| 0 (disabled)
| Simple tick or not
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) if a user name and password is needed to authenticate with your SMTP email server
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) if your SMTP email server is not protected by a user name or password
| SensorAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| SensorAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| SensorAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| SensorAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| SensorAlarmSet=1
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if calculated (10 minute) wind gust exceeds the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| SensorAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| SensorAlarmSoundFile==alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Sensor contact lost
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| ServerName=
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Server Name
| (blank)
| Text box where you enter name, or IP address of your SMTP email server
| SSLOption=1
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Use SSL/TLS (deprecated Secure Sockets Layer and replacement Transport Layer Security)
| 1 (Auto)
| Drop down:
* 0 = None
* 1 = Auto
* 2 = TLS on connect
* 3 = Start TLS
* 4 = Start TLS when available
| SpikeAlarmTriggerCount=
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Data spike is detected
| 1 (trigger immediently a failure occurs)
| Use the spin button to specify how many failures need to occur, within the latch time, before the alarm is triggered
| TempChangeAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| TempChangeAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| TempChangeAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| TempChangeAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| TempChangeAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if outside temperature rapidly changes (in legacy Cumulus this was taking trend for the last hour, the developer has not specified what period applies for MX) by, or more than, the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| TempChangeAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Legacy Cumulus
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| TempChangeAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| within 3.2.0 to 3.5.4
| Alarm Settings
| Temperature changes by:
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| UpgradeAlarmEmail=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Email''', and all the email settings marked ^ have been completed, an alarm will be sent if an HTTP upload fails
| UpgradeAlarmLatch=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Latches''', an alarm will be maintained (latched) for a user configurable number of hours (see next parameter)
| UpgradeAlarmLatchHours=24
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.2
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 24 (default set only since release 3.9.6)
| Use the spin button to select the number of hours (specified in '''Latch h(ou)rs''' column) that the "latch" is maintained if previous setting is set to 1 (tick on settings page)
| UpgradeAlarmNotify=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.3
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Notify'', MX will show the status of this alarm on the [[MX_Administrative_Interface#Dashboard|'''Dashboard''' page of the interface]]
| UpgradeAlarmSet=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.9.3
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Enable''', the alarm will be triggered if outside temperature rapidly changes (in legacy Cumulus this was taking trend for the last hour, the developer has not specified what period applies for MX) by, or more than, the selected '''Value''' in earlier parameter
| UpgradeAlarmSound=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release ???
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| 0 (disabled)
| If tick '''Play sound''', if the alarm is triggered, then the file specified in next parameter will be played
| UpgradeAlarmSoundFile=alarm.mp3
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release ???
| Alarm Settings
| Cumulus upgrade available
| alarm.mp3
| Specify a file name for a music file stored in the CumulusMX\interface\sounds or CumulusMX/interface/sounds folder
| UseHTML=0
| (always)
| [Alarms]
| Release 3.11.0
| Alarm Settings
| '''Email uses HTML text formatting'''
| 0 (UTF-8 plain text)
| Simple tick or not
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) if you wish to use HTML encoding format for your customised emails
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) if you are happy to use the default emails text in UTF-8 plain text encoding
| User=
| ^
| [SMTP]
| Release 3.11.0
| Internet Settings → Email Server Settings
| Username
| (blank)
| Text box where you enter user name needed to authenticate with your SMTP email server