Cumulus.ini: Difference between revisions

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→‎Optional Web Server: Amended "RecordSetTimeoutHrs=24" to reflect actual 3.12.0 release, not beta announcement
m (Ready for update to cover new 3.12.0 beta releases in July 2021, and updates re other weather station types)
m (→‎Optional Web Server: Amended "RecordSetTimeoutHrs=24" to reflect actual 3.12.0 release, not beta announcement)
| Depends on release:
* (3.5.1 to 3.11.4) Manual edit of file
* (3.12.0 onwards) Station'''Two settings → Common Options → Advanced optionsplaces''':
*# Station setings → General Settings → Advanced options
| Record set timeout
*# Station settings → Common Options → Advanced options
| Depends on where changed (respectively):
# New record timeout
|# Record set timeout
| 24
| Number of hours before the following web tags are reset: TempRecordSet, WindRecordSet, RainRecordSet, HumidityRecordSet, PressureRecordSet, HighTempRecordSet, LowTempRecordSet, HighAppTempRecordSet, LowAppTempRecordSet, HighHeatIndexRecordSet, LowWindChillRecordSet, HighMinTempRecordSet, LowMaxTempRecordSet, HighDewPointRecordSet, LowDewPointRecordSet, HighWindGustRecordSet, HighWindSpeedRecordSet, HighRainRateRecordSet, HighHourlyRainRecordSet, HighDailyRainRecordSet, HighMonthlyRainRecordSet, HighHumidityRecordSet, HighWindrunRecordSet, LowHumidityRecordSet, HighPressureRecordSet, LowPressureRecordSet, LongestDryPeriodRecordSet, LongestWetPeriodRecordSet, HighTempRangeRecordSet, LowTempRangeRecordSet


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