m (Removal of much outdated information - another contributor needs to bring this page up to date) |
m (a few typos) |
<div style="background: LemonChiffon;padding:5px; margin:2px;">
[[File:Crystal Clear info.png|40px]] The text on this page was written when Cumulus MX 3.0.0 beta offered a subset of the functionality that was available with the original Cumulus 1.
Since then MX has developed very quickly and its functionality is now vastly different. An
If any contributor is willing to update content,
At the time of writing this
The newcomer to the story is Cumulus 3, also known as MX. When this comparison was originally written, MX had very little functionality, the only real advantage was that MX could run on other devices, such as a [[Raspberry Pi computer page|Raspberry Pi computer]], that (unlike Microsoft Windows PCs) run reliably without rebooting themselves for mandatory updating.
The original Cumulus software (now called Legacy Cumulus 1) is no longer capable of being developed any further, as neither its development environment, nor its source, are available now. However, most people are still using it.
There was a Cumulus 2, but it is no longer available, some of its functionality was subsequently added to Cumulus 1, and some of its concepts formed the basis for Cumulus 3 (now generally known as Cumulus MX).
Thus this
== Cumulus 1 ==