Category:Cumulus MX: Difference between revisions

Talking about command windows, if you want to check that the port is open for listening (i.e. able to access the admin interface) type <tt>netstat -an | findstr 8998</tt> into the command window.
The admin interface URL '''http://*:8998/''' needs to have that wildcard "*" replaced by a precise location if we are to access the admin interface. The missing part of the URL depends on how your local network is set up. If you are accessing the admin interface on the same device as that running MX (and you don't have another web server on that device) the "*" can be replaced by "localhost", i.e. '''http://localhost:8998/''' will be used to load the admin interface into your browser. In the more general case when you want to access the admin interface from anywhere on your local wired and wireless interface, then the "*" needs to be replaced by a string of 4 numbers representing what is called a IPv4 address (w.x.y.z) of the device you have installed MX on.
Look at your hub or router (this should have come with instructions on how to access its settings in your browser) and on one screen it should show what devices are connected to your LAN and wifi. Look for the IPv4 address (w.x.y.z) of the device you have installed MX on, for example, Thenit givehas yourassigned Computerto athe fixeddevice address forwhere MX useris interfacerunning. byThat findingis thewhat networkshould cardreplace viathe Network and Sharing Centre"*". (Control Panel)However, clickthere onis Changeone Adaptermore Settingscomplication, theneither Rightthe clickWindows onnetworking Ethernetsettings ormay WiFi Adapterchange, selector Propertieselse andyour inhub theor windowrouter thatmay opens right click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP 4)reconfigure, andboth selectcan propertieshappen andat onany that pop up screen tell the computer to "use the following IP addresstime and fill itboth outcan withassign a subnetdifferent mask of and gatewayIPv4 address between and (depending onto the addressdevice ofrunning your hub/router)MX.
To give your Computer a fixed address for the MX admin interface,
#first find the network card via Network and Sharing Centre (Control Panel),
#then click on Change Adapter Settings,
#then Right click on Ethernet or WiFi Adapter,
#next select Properties
# In the window that opens, right click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP 4),
#Next select properties
# Onn that pop up screen tell the computer to "use the following IP address"
#Fill out the form with
#* a subnet mask of and
#*gateway address between and (depending on the address of your hub/router).
==== Setting up for either manual or automatic running ====
