Cumulus.ini: Difference between revisions

10,579 bytes added ,  14 June 2021
|(no default)
|for WMR200 stations (and any other Oregon Scientific USB stations which work with Cumulus, e.g. WMR100) to use an 'extra' channel as your main temperature sensor, set N to the required channel
==Units, Processing Options, and Decimal Places==
* File Section is [Station]
* Edit on Station Settings page (except where indicated in bold as another page)
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:30px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:100px" | Introduced
!style="width:100px" | MX Section
!style="width:60px" | Label on Settings page
!style="width:20px" | Default
!style="width:300px" | Description
| AirQualityDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units → Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Air Quality decimals
| 1 (displayed as blank)
| Number of decimal places for all outputs
| AvgBearingMinutes=10
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options → Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| 10 (minutes)
| This parameter's value is the number of minutes over which Cumulus calculates (by treating the wind as a vector and taking into account the speed as well as direction) its average bearing
| AvgSpeedMinutes=10
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options → Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| 10 (minutes)
| This parameter's value is the number of minutes over which Cumulus averages out reported current wind speeds
| ChillHourSeasonStart=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Default depends on release
* (up to 3.11.4) 10 = October
* (from 3.12.0) 4 in Southern hemisphere, 10 in Northern hemisphere
| The value to enter is the month number (1=January, 12=December) and the Cumulative Chill Hours Count is reset to zero on the first of the selected month
| ChillHourThreshold=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Default depends on Temperature Units
* Either 45 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 7.22 <sup>o</sup>Celsius)
* Or 7 degrees Celsius (equivalent to 44.6 <sup>o</sup>Fahrenheit)
| Chill Hours are incremented by the number of (fractional) hours that the air temperature is below the threshold. In practice, Cumulus simply detects if the current temperature is below the threshold and adds an increment equivalent to the (interval) time passed since the last temperature reading.
* You can put in any value you want, with a decimal place if required
* Some people have put in the freezing-point temperature (0<sup>o</sup>C or 32 <sup>o</sup>F) and they relabel "chill hours" to "frost hours"
| CloudBaseInFeet=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| (As at 3.11.4, can only adjust in the file)
| 0 (default in MX is metres)
| Select units used for reporting theoretical cloud base:
* 0 = metres (default if file created by MX)
* 1 = feet (default if file created by legacy software)
| ErrorLogSpikeRemoval=1
| Legacy Cumulus
| '''Calibration Settings''' &rarr; Final tick box
| Log spike and limit violations to error log
| 1 (default in MX is enabled)
| Log spike and limit violations to error log (in MX this is in [[MXdiags folder]]):
* 1 = do log (default if file created by MX)
* 0 = don't log (default if file created by legacy software)
| HourlyForecast=1
| Legacy Cumulus
| Forecast
| Update forecast hourly
| 1 (default in MX is enabled)
| When Cumulus derives its Zambretti forecast
Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will derive a Zambretti forecast just once an hour, on the hour
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) to derive a forecast every time MX does a process of the pressure reading
| Humidity98Fix=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| n/a
| 0 (disable)
| For any weather station that never reports a relative humidity greater than 98%
Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then if weather station reading is 98%, process that as 100% for all outputs from MX
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) to always report what weather staion reports for relative humidity
| PeakGustMinutes=10
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Peak wind gust time
| 10 (minutes)
| MX waits until a gust has been measured for number of minutes specified by value of parameter, before checking whether previous gust extreme record have been exceeded
| PressDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Pressure decimals
| Default depends on Pressure Units (displayed as blank)
* default is 1 if units are hPa or mb
* default is 2 if units are inches of mercury
| Number of decimal places for all outputs
| PressureUnit=1
| Legacy Cumulus
| Units
| Pressure
| 1 (hPa)
| Drop-down:
* 0 = millibar (mb)
* 1 = hectoPascals (hPa)
* 2 = inches of mercury (in Hg)
| RainDayThreshold=
| Legacy Cumulus
| n/a
| For derivatives like count of consectuative wet/dry days, any daily rainfall less than this threshold will be ignored.
(If rainfall is measured in tips, usually set to just over one tip, as first tip of day might be result of less that one tip accumulated on earlier days or because of dew)
| RainDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Rainfall decimals
| Default depends on Rainfall Units (displayed as blank)
* default is 1 if units are millimetres
* default is 2 if units are inches
| Number of decimal places for all outputs
| RainSeasonStart=1
| Legacy Cumulus
| Annual Rainfall
| Start of rainfall season
| Drop-down
* 1 = January
* 2 = February
* 3 = March
* 9 = September
* 10 = October
* 11 = November
* 12 = December
| RainUnit=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Units
| Rain
| 0 (mm)
| Drop-down:
* 0 = millimetres
* 1 = inches
| RoundWindSpeed=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will round all the wind speeds it reports to nearest integer
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will report wind speeds to the precision defined in "WindSpeedDecimals" parameter
| SunshineHrsDecimals=2
| Release 3.8.0
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Sunshine hours decimals
| 2 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| TempDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Temperature decimals
| 1 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| TempUnit=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Units
| Temperature
| 0 (<sup>o</sup>C
| Drop-down:
* 0 = Celsius
* 1 = Fahrenheit
| UseCumulusForecast=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Forecast
| Use Cumulus Forecast
| 0 (disabled)
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then Cumulus will generate a simple weather Zambretti forecast, if your station does not supply a forecast, or as an alternative to the one supplied by your station. Please see [[Forecast_webtag|here]] for details.
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will not do any forecasting, so it will return "not available" unless your weather staion provides an alternative forecast
| UseCumulusPresstrendstr=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options
| Cumulus pressure trend names
| 0 (depends on weather station type)
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will generate the name for the current pressure trend, e.g. "Falling", "Rising quickly" etc, instead of the one supplied by your station. The names used are those in the UK Shipping Forecast, but can be modified using [[strings.ini]].
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then effect depends on whether your weather station supplies pressure trends
** If your station does supply pressure trends, then MX will use those
** If your station does not supply pressure trends, then MX will generate the name for the current pressure trend, e.g. "Falling", "Rising quickly" etc, instead of the one supplied by your station. The names used are those in the UK Shipping Forecast, but can be modified using [[strings.ini]].
| UseSpeedForAvgCalc=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options
| Use speed for average calculation
| 0 (disable)
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will use what the weather station supplies as "wind speed" to calculate the average wind speed.
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will use what the weather station supplies as "latest wind speed" to calculate the average wind speed
Please see [[Wind_measurement#Weather_Stations_and_Cumulus]] for more details.
| UseZeroBearing=1
| Legacy Software
| Common Options
| Use bearing zero when calm
| 1 (enable)
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will report a wind bearing of zero when the wind is calm
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will continue to report the last wind bearing when the wind stops blowing
| UVDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Ultra Violet decimals
| 1 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| Wind10MinAverage=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options
| Calculate average wind speed
| 0 (disable)
| Simple tick or not:
* Tick (value shown as 1 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will calculate an average wind speed (over ten minutes) as defined by "UseSpeedForAvgCalc" parameter
* Don't tick (value shown as 0 in Cumulus.ini) then MX will use whatever the weather station provides as an average wind speed
Please see [[Wind_measurement#Weather_Stations_and_Cumulus]] for more details.
| WindRunDecimals=1
| Release 3.9.2
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Wind run decimals
| 1 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| WindSpeedAvgDecimals=1
| Release 3.8.3
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Wind speed average decimals
| 1 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| WindSpeedDecimals=2
| Release 3.8.3
| Units &rarr; Advanced Options (Here be dragons!)
| Wind speed average decimals
| 2 (displayed as blank)
| Select a number of decimal places to overwrite the default
| WindUnit=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Units
| Wind
| 0 (m/s)
| Drop-down:
* 0 = metres per second
* 1 = miles per hour
* 2 = Kilometres per hour
* 3 = Knots (nautical miles per hour or kts)
| YTDrain=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Annual Rainfall
| Year-to-date amount
| 0 (displayed as blank)
| Enter the amount of rainfall to be added to the calendar year in next parameter (used when start using Cumulus in middle of year)
| YTDrainyear=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Annual Rainfall
| Year to which year-to-date amount applies
| (displayed as blank)
| Enter a 4 digit year (can be last year, if season starts mid-year; or this year if season starts in January)
