Cumulus MX formal release versions


Lists all MX releases since Mark Crossley brought MX out of the beta development (that Steve Loft left to the Community when as part of his retirement he gave up involvement in Cumulus). It is intended to be used for reference, e.g. if you wonder when such and such a feature was introduced, this article is a quick way to check.

It excludes the first few releases (within Version 3.0.0) that Mark did when he was experimenting with updating the code with both fixes and new features; and starts when he said it was the first non-beta version.

It gives version number, date of release, build number, summarises fixes and new features, plus indicates which files have been updated or added. It is updated independently of release announcements in the forum, so may not always be in step.


This page is a precis of the information contained in the support forum at Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

As that topic name suggests you should read it before you upgrade to a new release. If you are intending to upgrade to any new release, please read all of the release notes since the build you are currently running.

Past Releases

All releases can be downloaded at this page, the latest release can be directly downloaded directly from link at MX Current_Release.

There are currently 8 forks off from Cumulus MX on the, with other developers experimenting with Cumulus MX in different ways. Only the Mark Crossley releases are listed below.

Revision Date

Latest Update: 4 May 2020 (build 3076)

Any builds released since this date are listed in the support forum, but not yet added below.

Version 3.6.x

Version Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3.6.0 (? May 2020) 3076 (not yet available) ability to disable auto-discovery for GW1000 wifi, AvgTempToday changed from double to string, more WLL features, more diagnostic information at shutdown, Units for admin interface gauges, Maximum and minimum for Feels Like for today, yesterday, this month, this year, same month in all years, and all-time GUESSING: \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\alarmsettings.html, \interface\js\alarmsettings.js, \interface\js\charts.js, \interface\js\now.js, \interface\alltimerecseditor.html, \interface\index.html, \interface\todayyest.html, \web\*.html (all web page templates), \webfiles\js\cumuluscharts.js

Version 3.5.x

Version Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3.5.4 (25 Apr 2020) 3075 bearing zero on the user interface "Now" page, user interface charts popup, "normal" Extra files, Moon Phase messages All web tags that produce decimal number output now support the "rc=y" option; Additional Davis WLL health info dumped in the MXdiags log on start-up and every 10 minutes if debug logging is on (voltages, uptimes, WiFi RSSI etc); Logs warnings to the command line console and log file if voltages are too low; Adds BatteryLow Alarm for WLL (Console [if you have an API key] & Tx), VP2 (Console & Tx), GW1000 (Tx), and adds a new web tag <#BatteryLowAlarm>; Adds new web tag <#feelslike> - calculated using the JAG/TI formula (that extended earlier wind chill definitions), it is regularly used in the UK, Iceland, USA, Canada, and some other countries. \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\alarmsettings.html, \interface\alltimerecseditor.html, \interface\index.html, \interface\now.html, \interface\todayest.html, \interface\js\alarmsettings.js, \interface\js\charts.js, \interface\js\dashboard.js, \interface\js\now.js, \mqtt\DataUpdateTemplate.txt, \mqtt\IntervalUpdate.txt, \webfiles\js\cumuluscharts.js
3.5.3 (14 Apr 2020 again) 3074 Backs out changes that created bad file paths in b3073 \CumulusMX.exe, \web\webfiles\lib\steelseries\scripts\gauges.js
3.5.2 (14 Apr 2020) 3073 Improvements to MQTT processing setting for MQTT to force IPv4/IPv6 connectivity, Sensor Contact lost flag/alarm for Davis WLL devices, GW1000 raw Lux value is now available via the <#Light> weg tag, three new web tags...
  • <#timeJavaScript> - returns the current date/time in JavaScript milliseconds. Example use = "var dt = Date(<#timeJavaScript>)"
  • <#directionTM> - returns todays max wind gust direction as a compass point
  • <#directionYM> - returns yesterdays max wind gust direction as a compass point
\CumulusMX.exe, \MQTTnet.dll, \web\webfiles\lib\steelseries\scripts\gauges.js
3.5.1 (10 Apr 2020) 3072 "Stop second instance" of Cumulus running now made optional; indexT.htm had missing quotation mark in moon image reference Implements the "record set" web tags. These will be set from the time of the record until a timeout value (default 24 hours); New Cumulus.ini file settings \CumulusMX.exe, \web\indexT.htm
3.5.0 (9 Apr 2020) 3071 "Stop second instance" of Cumulus running made mandatory; hung update interval (S)FTP sessions getting hung; <#moonage> web tag support for MQTT output; Tidy up of /interface folder to remove unused files; Removal of Highcharts scripts from the distribution; support for generating a Moon Phase image; New Cumulus.ini file settings New Files: \Licences-Additional.txt, \MQTTnet.dll, \mqtt\DataUpdateTemplate.txt, \mqtt\IntervalTemplate.txt,\web\MoonBaseImage.png

Updated files: \CumulusMX.exe, \FluentFTP.dll, \Newtonsoft.Json.dll, \interface\ - [Many changes, delete and replace], \web\indexT.htm, \webfiles\js\cumuluscharts.js

Version 3.4.x

Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3070 (23 Mar 2020) station wind chill on Davis WLL devices, auto-discovered Davis WLL Station-Ids not being saved to the config file More robust failure handling for realtime FTP connections, Additional diagnostics output in the console and log file for badly formed web tags \CumulusMX.exe only
3069 (13 Mar 2020) web tags <#MoonPercent> and <#MoonPercentAbs> Adds Editors for: Dayfile, Monthly Logs, Extra Logs;

Widens the time windows for the Moons phase names

\CumulusMX.exe and most files in \interface\....
3068 (8 Mar 2020) NOAA yearly report, re annual averages for temperature and wind detects invalid CumulusMX.exe command line parameters

Adds a new command line parameter -debug

\CumulusMX.exe only
3067 (6 Mar 2020) Cumulus.ini: a station configuration screen option: disable the entry/update of the stations IP address via auto-discovery (ZeroConfig) \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\json\StationOptions.json, \interface\json\StationSchema.json
3066 (5 Mar 2020) Improved error handing for invalid Davis WLL Station Ids; Improved error handling when the network connection to a Davis WLL is lost (and restored) Data Stopped alarm to the Dashboard and Alarm Settings screens; DataStopped handling to Ecowitt GW1000 devices; auto detect a GW1000's IP address on startup \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\alarmsettings.html, \interface\index.html, \interface\js\alarmsettings.js, \interface\js\dashboard.js
3065 (27 Feb 2020) WLL if you change the logging interval around a catch-up period, gust values from WLL devices WLL broadcast data watchdog and warning, implements DataStopped flag

Cumulus.ini: readonly setting, AutoUpdateIpAddress

3064 (19 Feb 2020) Monthly Records editor for dry/wet periods; Beaufort calculations; Davis VP2 and WLL; FTPS on realtime FTP updates Cumulus.ini: DisableFtpsExplicit; use as a "logger" option; <#MoonAge>;FTP Now does a full update interval process (not just FTP files); console checks (if online link up) if newer MX version available \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\json\StationOptions.json, \interface\json\StationSchema.json

Version 3.3.0

Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3063 (10 Jan 2020) Ecowitt Soil Temperature/Moisture/Leak detector channel numbering; today's rainfall during CMX start-up; GW1000 Lightning data decode; date on <#Snow*> web tags; and if Cumulus.ini inherited from Cumulus 1 generated files:

Changes the [FTP Site] section name to [FTP site] Changes NOAA default monthly name if it reads "NOAAMO'mmyy'.txt" (MX believes "mm" means minutes, not month) into "NOAAMO'MMyy'.txt (which works on both Cumulus 1 and MX)

diagnostic logging info for Lacrosse WS2300 stations \Renci.SshNet.dll (new), \CumulusMX.exe, \FluentFTP.dll, \interface\json\InternetOptions.json, \interface\json\InternetSchema.json

Version 3.2.x

Version Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3.2.6 3062 (28 Dec 2019) monthly records editor for stations with a met day starting at 9am range checks for latitude and longitude values \CumulusMX.exe
3.2.5 (15 Dec 2019) 3061 MonthlyAlltimeLog.txt, missing WLL station description This Month and This Year records editors, FTP Now option \CumulusMX.exe
3.2.4 (10 Dec 2019) 3060 uncaught Web exceptions in Davis WLL, Monthly Records editor log file '\CumulusMX\data\monthlyalltimelog.txt' for 'MonthlyAlltime.ini' file changes \CumulusMX.exe
3.2.3 (4 Dec 2019) 3059 Monthly Records editor Cumulus.ini file automatically backed up each day/program start \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\alltimerecseditor.html, \interface\monthlyrecseditor.html, \interface\js\alltimerecseditor.js, \interface\js\monthlyrecseditor.js
3.2.2 (3 Dec 2019) 3058 default website pages header not wrapping on small screens, All Time Records editor Monthly Records editor Updated files: \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\<allfiles>.html, \web\<allfiles>T.htm

New files: \interface\monthlyrecseditor.html, \interface\js\monthlyrecseditor.js

3.2.1 (29 Nov 2109) 3057 WMR200 stations writing a zero value Apparent Temperature, Dashboard for IE browser,default website index page header not wrapping on small screens, Davis stations connected via TCP/IP to detect failures Solar calibration settings offset and multiplier \CumulusMX.exe
3.2.0 (19 Nov 2019) 3056 All Time Records editor, missing Cumulus multipliers, to catch badly formed Davis WLL broadcast messages, cases producing an initial zero value wind chill on startup support for Ecowitt GW1000 WiFi gateway, lots of new web tags, new Cumulus.ini file setting [Offsets] PressMult = 1.0 (default) Updated files: \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\json\StationOptions.json, \interface\json\StationSchema.json, \interface\<AllFiles>.html, \interface\js\extrasensors.js, \interface\js\alltimerecseditor.js, \interface\js\dashboard.js, \interface\css\main.css, \interface\json\CalibrationSchema.json

New files: \interface\alarmsettings.html, \interface\js\alarmsettings.js, \interface\sounds\alarm.mp3

Version 3.1.x

Version Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3.1.2 (4 Nov 2019) 3055 All Time Records editor \CumulusMX.exe
3.1.1 (1 Nov 2019) 3054 Davis WLL timestamps always being in UTC, now uses local time 0 responses; new editors for 'current conditions' and 'all-time records' Updated files: \CumulusMX.exe, \interface\<allexistingfiles>.html

New files: \interface\currentcondeditor.html, \interface\alltimerecseditor.html, \interface\js\alltimerecseditor.js, \interface\lib\x-editable\bootstrap-editable.css, \interface\lib\x-editable\bootstrap-editable.min.js, \interface\img\loading.gif

3.1.0 (25 Oct 2019) 3053 Mono 5.x generating short month names ending with "." as used for log file names, removes that dot support for Davis WeatherLink Live devices, Cumulus.ini file setting 'EWpressureoffset' for Fine Offset stations, display and generation of NOAA Monthly and Yearly reports Updated files: \CumulusMX.exe, \CumulusMX.exe.config, \interface\<allfiles>.html, \interface\json\StationOptions.json, \interface\json\StationSchema.json

New files: \Tmds.MDns.dll

Version 3.0.2 (13 Sep 2019)

Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3052 Davis archive downloads from the the logger when the day rollover processing takes longer than 10 seconds \CumulusMX.exe, \CumulusMX.exe.config, \CumulusMX.pdb

Version 3.0.1 (10 Sep 2019)

Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3051 For various Davis features Davis archive data processing progress indication \CumulusMX.exe, \CumulusMX.pdb

Version 3.0.0 (1 May 2019)

Build Fixes Additions Files affected
3050 None adding support for locales that use multi-character date separators \CumulusMX.exe and \CumulusMX.pdb