

The debug logging feature is extremely useful in troubleshooting problems with Cumulus and/or connectivity to your weather station or FTP upload communications.

The file contains a wealth of data including the raw data received from your weather station, connectivity attempts, file uploads, etc.

The file can grow very large very quickly so turn the Debug Log option off it not required. If the file grows too large it can cause Cumulus (up to version 3.8.1 - b3091) to crash. (From Release 3.8.2 - b3092 adds MXdiags log rotation to avoid this).

Turning debugging log on/off

  • By default, logging of debugging information is disabled.
  • Restarting Cumulus (1, 2, or MX) will normally (you can manually change this) mean the debug log is off (because it is automatically turned off as Cumulus exits)
  • Logging of debugging information can be enabled as Cumulus is started (see instructions below for your flavour) or at some point while it is running (except earliest builds)

Cumulus Version 1 SpecificCumulus 1.x.y: Depending on which version of Cumulus 1 you are using there is either one or two ways of turning logging of debugging data on and off:

  • The only way to turn on the logging of debugging messages in all builds of Cumulus 1, is to stop Cumulus 1, edit the Cumulus.ini_(Cumulus_1) configuration file, and add a line in the [Station] section: Logging = 1, then restart Cumulus 1.
  • From build 1003 onwards, you can also turn it on/off using the Configuration menu (debug option is included in drop down of that menu).

Badge vMx.pngCumulus MX: There are three ways to turn on the logging of debugging messages in all versions of Cumulus MX:

  1. Close Cumulus MX, then edit Cumulus.ini_(Cumulus_1) configuration file, and add a line in the [Station] section: Logging = 1, then restart Cumulus MX.
  2. When you start Cumulus MX, from Version 3.4.4 - Build 3068, you can use MX_on_Linux#-debug_parameter_for_adding_debugging as part of the command for starting
  3. Use the admin interface Settings menu, selecting the appropriate web page depending on which version of MX you are using (see below). Here you can next tick the 'Debug Logging' menu option. You can untick the option to disable the logging of debugging information. Whenever you make a change on this page, it does not take effect until you click Save.

Further details

Separate articles exist for each flavour.

Debugging in Cumulus MX

Please see MX Diagnostics article

Debugging in Cumulus 1

Please see all these pages: Bugreport.txt, Debug.log, and Diags_folder.

Pages in category "Diagnostics"

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