The Alternative Interface (ai.cmx): Difference between revisions

=== Overview ===
Following the release of the responsive default website for CumulusMX, I amhave now lookingproduced atan thealternative developmentinterface of(AI) thefor mainadministrating your CumulusMX Interfaceinstallation.
AlthoughAs with the maindefault focusinterface ofit theprovides Interfaceviews is to manageof your weather station,readings itand alsohistory providesand youralso initialenables viewyou ofto theconfigure dataand thatchange you areyour collectingsettings. As such I feel that itYou shouldcan also usechange the same up-to-date features asway the supplied public defaultAI websitelooks.
It comes with 30+ themes that can applied to the Interface to personalise it. If you are familiar with css rules, you can even create your own themes.
Like the public website supplied with CumulusMX, the AI uses colour themes and, wherever possible, is fully responsive. This should make it easier to use on tablets and phones as well as the more traditional desktop/laptop screen.
Like the supplied Interface, the AI includes all the required pages to manage your weather station but also provides some additional information, especially on the dashboard page. It also provides 30+ themes that can be applied to it and the default public website, it required.
=== How it fits with the existing inteface ===
