m (→List of fields in the file: Clarifications requested on http://sourceforge.net/p/weewx/wiki/crt/) |
| 2
| 16:03:45
| time(always hh:mm:ss as per computer system)
| <#timehhmmss>
| 11
| 999.7
| barometer (The sea level pressure)
| <#press>
| 19
| +0.1
| pressure trend value (The average rate of pressure change over the last three hours)
| <#presstrendval>
| 26
| -0.7
| temperature trend value (The average rate of change in temperature over the last three hours)
| <#temptrend>
| 31
| 37.4
| today's high wind speed [[Wind_measurement#Weather_Stations_and_Cumulus |(of average
| <#windTM>
| 58
| 1
| Is it sunny? 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0 (above or below [[Cumulus.ini#Section:_Solar |threshold]])
| <#IsSunny>