Customised templates: Difference between revisions

m (→‎Navigation Links: add space tip)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- the above must be on the first line by itself and tells the browser that HTML 5 applies -->
<html lang="en"><!-- modify this ifto youindicate are not using Englishyour language -->
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type contentcharset="text/html; charset=utfUTF-8"><!-- assigns the recommended standard encoding -->
<meta name="description" content="<#location> weather data"><!-- you can choose a different way to explain what the page contains -->
<meta name="keywordsauthor" content="Cumulus, <#location>!-- weatherput data,name weather,of data,author weatherhere station-->">
<meta name="keywords" content="Cumulus, <#location> weather data, weather, data, weather station"><!-- you can choose a different set of key words -->
<title><!-- insert here what is to appear in browser tab title --></title>
<link href="weatherstyle.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- This line links the standard Cumulus stylesheet
<body> <!-- This defines the start of what the browser is to display in its window -->
The comments <code>&lt;!-- a comment goes here --&gt;</code> are place holders explaining the above code
The main part of the page (you can base that on what you can see in the closest standard template to what you are trying to achieve) goes next.
