Cumulus.ini (preserving history): Difference between revisions

|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab in '''Interval''' box. The interval in minutes at which you wish normalStandard (not real-time) updates (either FTP to your website, or copy to a local directory on your pc) to automatically occur. Default 15 minutes.
** - If you have the ''Auto Update'' option set (and a suitable ''Interval'' configured), Cumulus will create the ''realtime.txt'' file at that specified normal update ''Interval'' (not the Real-time Interval)
** It only creates the file (any previous creation is lost) at that interval, but you can separately specify it as an extra file to upload during the 'normal' upload, or just use it for any other purpose on your PC.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will createadd a newtimer ''realtime.txt''that fileallows you to upload at a more frequent interval than the Real-timestandard upload interval set Interval,above
**Cumulus will create a new ''realtime.txt'' file at the Real-time Interval (Note that neither Cumulus 1 nor Cumulus MX use this file in standard features, but it can be fed to other software that requires frequent values updating)
** - Other parameters need to be set for more actions..
** - If you have the ''RealtimeFTPEnabled'' option set, and a suitable ''RealtimeInterval'' configured, (for both of these see below) Cumulus will upload the file to your web site, after the number of seconds specified by '''RealtimeInterval''' (see that parameter below) since any previous upload.
The [[realtime.txt]] file contains various weather parameters and iswas used by the CumulusRealtime.swf (shock wave flash) real time wind gauges (as on the supplied 'gauges' web page for early versions of Cumulus 1.x.x). Shockwave flash software was withdrawn some years ago, so this usage ceased. This parameter controls whenwhether itthe file is created, the next 2 parameters control how and whether it is uploaded.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Enable Realtime FTP''.
*0 = Disabled (default), without FTP it is only possible to upload files at the realtime interval if the required remote location is on same device as that running Cumulus.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will establish an FTP connection to your web site, so that the realtime.txt file, and any other files you specify, can be uploaded when realtime processing takes place.
The 'EnableRealtime' setting must be set to 1 for this setting to have any effect.
** - If you have the ''RealtimeFTPEnabled'' option set, and a suitable ''RealtimeInterval'' configured, (for bothsecond of these see below) Cumulus will upload the ''realtime.txt'' file to your web site, after the number of seconds specified by '''RealtimeInterval''' (see that parameter below) since any previous upload.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Realtime Interval''. The time in seconds '''between''' uploads of the '''realtime.txt''' file, and any other files associated with real-time interval, (i.e. a new upload of files will '''begin''' this number of seconds '''after''' the last upload has '''ended''').
*If you set it to 15 seconds and it takes more than say 10 seconds for any uploads, it will not be until the time it takes plus another 15 seconds has elapsed that it does the next upload.
*If you set it to 5 seconds, and it takes more than say 10 seconds for any uploads, while you won't actually get an upload every 5 seconds, it will always attempt the next upload within 5 seconds of the previous one ending.
