Cumulus MX formal release versions: Difference between revisions

m (→‎Version 3.4.x: moved dates)
It excludes the first few releases (within Version 3.0.0) that Mark did when he was experimenting with updating the code with both fixes and new features; and starts when he said it was the first non-beta version.
It gives version number, date of release, build number, summarises fixes and new features, plus indicates which files have been updated or added. '''ItPlease note that as "Updates.txt" is updated independentlyin every release it does not appear in any list below of files that have been updated in an individual release. If you are only copying updated files then always announcementscopy in this file, as well as any listed. It is always worth checking the forumdate modified for every file in any release, soto mayensure you include all updated files, not alwaysjust bethat the developer remembered to include in stepthe list of changed files.'''
'''This article is updated independently of release announcements in the forum, so may not always be in step.'''
== Instructions ==
== Revision Date ==
Latest Update: 418 May 2020 (build 30763077)
Any builds released since this date are listed in the support forum, but not yet added below.
