Dayfile.txt: Difference between revisions

There is a dayfile editor within the admin interface to edit this log file.
Only from MX version 3.6.0 has this been able to read the log file if it has some lines that were created using Cumulus 1 (with less than 46 fields. In the same version of MX, the number of fields in this log file was increased by 4. From that version all lines viewed in this editor will have 50 fields. The content of any field that was not in the line when it was created will be aan empty string as far as this editor is concerned and any line edited and saved, therefore gains all these empty fields and will be stored as 50 fields and stay like that spacethereafter.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]For Cumulus MX, when you select a line, both '''Edit''' and '''Delete''' buttons are enabled. There is no way of inserting new lines into dayfile.txt from within MX, nor of changing the dates in the file.
