==Download the latest version==
Download the latest current version: [https://cumuluswiki.org/images/c/c2/Ai.cmx.zip the latest ai.cmx ] (''Updated 10th22nd August 2022 @ 1510:1808'')
This update accommodates the latest update from Mark - build 31963202. and alsoPlease fordo thenot Alluse Timewith Recordsprevious pageversions soof thatCumulusMX as it showswill generate errors due to the overlaychanges to the main interface.
The records pages now include the ability to update directly from the log files as in the default interface. This upload includes the required changes to the weather diary page. It also includes an update to the Alarms Settings page which I had omitted to edit in the last version.
For full history of changes to the zip see [[File:Ai.cmx.zip|File:Ai-cmx.zip page]].