What to do when I have a problem with MX: Difference between revisions

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Updated for recent MX releases using Program Settings
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m (Updated for recent MX releases using Program Settings)
The [[Cumulus MX FAQ]] page is (as I typeshould thisbe) being updated to answer a lot of the questions you might have.
If that does not help...
<big>If your question relates do an ongoing problem with using MX, then please follow these instructions, don't just post "Help me":</big>
#) Make the MXDiagsMX diagnostics functionality useful by turning on debugging:
#* In admin interface Settings tab, stationProgram settings <small>(old releases of MX did not have Program settings, for those use Station Settings)</small>, Options section, select '''debug logging''' (and if communications between weather station and MX are relevant select ''data logging'' too). This adds a lot of extra information to the log designed to help answer questions when someone has a problem.
#** This adds a lot of extra [[Diagnostics|diagnostics]] information to the MX log designed to help answer questions when someone has a problem.
#* Alternatively, restart MX with debugging turned on by adding [[Cumulus_MX#Parameter_for_adding_debugging|Parameter_for_adding_debugging]].
#) ''If your problem relates to uploading to your remote web server'', then in admin interface, settings tab, internet settings screen, Web/FTP settings section, about 2/3 way down, select '''FTP logging''' (this may not help if you use a secure transfer method).
#** [[MX_on_Linux#Parameter_for_adding_debugging|Parameter for enabling debugging on Linux]]
#** or [[MX_on_Windows_OS#Parameter_for_adding_debugging|Parameter for enabling debugging on Microsoft Windows]].
#) ''If your problem relates to uploading to your remote web server'', then in admin interface, settings tab, internetInternet settingsSettings screen, Web/FTP settings section, about 2/3 way down, select '''FTP logging''' (this may not help if you use a secure transfer method of SFTP or FTPS).
#) Leave MX running for a while, hopefully long enough for several instances of your problem to reoccur
#) Stop MX (control C is running interactively, relevant stop command for your operating system if running as service)
#) Stop MX
#) zip the latest log file updated in [[MXdiags folder|'''CumulusMX/MXDiagsMXdiags''']] folder. AddCheck into zip,whether any logprevious filesfile(s) thatin seemthe relevantfolder to your question, and any other files you havewas/were modified from their content induring the MXperiod distributionof if those files are relevant to your problem. ''If in 2interest, youif have selected ftp logging,so add [[Ftplog.txt]]that/them intoto zip.''
#* Add into zip, any log files from [[Data folder|data sub-folder]] that seem relevant to your question, [[Strings.ini|strings.ini]] if you have created such a file, and any other files you have modified from their content in the MX distribution if those files are relevant to your problem. ''If in 2, you have selected ftp logging, add [[Ftplog.txt]] into zip.''
#* It is dangerous to add [[Cumulus.ini]] to your zip, as that file contains passwords that would enable someone to hack your installation. If you have settings that relate to your problem, it is better to take a screen shot of the relevant settings. (If you are asked to provide your configuration file, take a copy, edit out any password lines in that copy, and put the edited copy into the zip).
#) At this point you can optionally try restarting MX
#) Now ask your question in the correct sub-forum [https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=40 Cumulus MX Current (releases since b3043)] .
#) Use the attachment tab below the posting window to upload your zip. In the post explain your problem, and quote any settings (do not disclose passwords) that might be relevant. Also state what device you are running MX on, and on what device you view the admin interface. ''If using FTP is relevant, then state which protocol you have selected.''
#) If your problem relates to uploading, some information on your web server structure (e.g. have you created any folders not included in the [[Webfiles folder|webfiles sub-folder]] of release) can help.
#) If your problem relates to the [[MX Administrative Interface|admin interface]], state the exact URL for the relevant page.
#) If your problem relates to web pages on your own web server (not server generated for the admin interface) say so, say whether you are using standard web pages or those by a third party or indeed your own creations, and (if relevant) quote PHPany jQuery version beingand/or usedPHP version.
#) If your problem relates to database tables, state what database software you use (e.g. mySQLMariaSQL), at what MX version your tables if MX created them, or if created independent of MX, what schema they use (list of column names). Tell us if they are updated by MX standard uploads, by custom uploads, or by your own routines.
#* Give information about the creation of tables:
#) Given the right information, as listed above, permits other people to answer your question easily.
#** if MX created your tables, then which MX release created the tables,
#** or if tables created independent of MX, what schema they use (list of column names).
#* Tell us if these tables are updated by MX standard uploads, by custom uploads, or by your own routines.
#) Given the right information, as listed above, permits other people tocan answer your questionquestions more easily.
If your question does not directly relate to using MX, then there are other sub-forums available at [https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/index.php Cumulus Support Forum] where you can post your question giving relevant supporting information, that might include a link to a web page relating to your problem.


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