Cumulus.ini (preserving history): Difference between revisions

Minor Restructuring, addition of notes re initialisation and removal of beta changes to separate page
m (→‎Section: Station: SnowDepthHour - clarifying allowed values in accordance with Build 969 release notice)
m (Minor Restructuring, addition of notes re initialisation and removal of beta changes to separate page)
[[Category: Configuration_Files]]
The cumulus.ini [[:Category:Configuration Files| configuration file]] is located in the directory in which you installed Cumulus. It is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus application, and is read only when Cumulus starts up. Parameter lines are in the form 'attribute=value' and grouped into sections. Cumulus re-writes the contents of the application configuration screens to the file when it shuts down.
= Initial Configurations =
The main cumulus.ini [[:Category:Configuration Files| configuration file]] is located in the directory in which you installed Cumulus.exe. It is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus application, and is read only when Cumulus starts up. Parameter lines are in the form 'attribute=value' and grouped into sections. Cumulus re-writes the contents of the application configuration screens to the file when it shuts down.
A second cumulus.ini may be stored in the reports sub-directory, this only contains a [[#Section:_MainForm|single section]] and relates to the screen used for NOAA reports.
The parameters listed can change the look of Cumulus, hold basic information about your location, amend the way Cumulus interfaces with your weather station, and hold the settings used to interface with your website and various external websites.
If you are using an old version, then checking the release information may be advisable to identify the sections applicable to your build and the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below.
== File ContentsStructure ==
The main file consists of a number of sections, each with a heading delimited by '[ ]', (although the order in the file may be different to that in this article). Parameter lines are in the form 'attribute=value' and grouped by those sections.
Some [[#Sections_dealing_with_interfaces_to_external_sites|sections]] relate to the external websites that Cumulus can optionally supply with updates. These are set by configuration screens and the whole sections will always be present. If you do not use those external services their parameters will be set to the defaults.
Each new version of cumulus may add additional parameters set by revised configuration screens (these initially appear at the end of the relevant section), and/or permit additional parameters to be added manually (these can be inserted anywhere within the section). If you are using an old version, then checking the release information may be advisable to identify the sections applicable to your build and the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below. Equally if you are using a beta build, there may be changes to the information shown below with additional sections and/or additional parameters under test.
== Beta builds ==
If you are using a beta build, there may be changes to the information shown below with additional sections and/or additional parameters (attribute=value) under test. Brief details of such changes will be given in the support forum annoucement for the relevant build. New sections and/or attributes and/or values for beta versions of Cumulus are not listed here until the version becomes 'live' however there is a [[Cumul.ini_(Beta)|page]] that details the additional parameters available in the Beta version once they have become established, but for details of beta tests see [ the forum].
== Editing the file ==
== Initialisation ==
When Cumulus is run for the very first time, the ''Station settings'' screen within the '''Configuration''' menu is displayed, so that the basic minimum settings can be entered into Cumulus.ini. Should you accidentally delete Cumulus.ini this would happen again, so it is always best to take a backup of the complete Cumulus directory and sub-directories so nothing is lost in such a situration.
See [[Setup]] for further advice, noting in particular that some settings (such as units, date/time formats) should stay unchanged.
=== Settings independentcontrolled ofby application ===
Many configuration parameter lines are changed from the various application edit, view, or configuration pagesscreens, and so making any amendments using those screens should ensure your replacement values are acceptable. You should never edit these parameter lines directly in the file ''while Cumulus is running'', as when Cumulus shuts down it will replace your amendments to these parameters with the contents of the relevant application Edit/View/Configuration screens to the file when it shuts down. You can edit them in the file with Cumulus stopped, but beware of selecting invalid values for these parameters, generally it is safer to use the application to edit them (unless you are importing values from another setup), and Cumulus will read the new values when it restarts.
''You can edit them in the file with Cumulus stopped'', but beware of selecting invalid values for these parameters, generally it is safer to use the application to edit them (unless you are importing values from another setup), and Cumulus will read the new values when it is next restarted.
== Editing the file ==
=== Settings controlledindependent byof application ===
Many configuration parameter lines are changed from the various application configuration pages, and those screens should ensure your replacement values are acceptable. You should never edit these directly in the file while Cumulus is running, as Cumulus will replace these parameters with the contents of the relevant application Edit/View/Configuration screens to the file when it shuts down. You can edit them in the file with Cumulus stopped, but beware of selecting invalid values for these parameters, generally it is safer to use the application to edit them (unless you are importing values from another setup), and Cumulus will read the new values when it restarts.
=== Settings independent of application ===
Some configuration settings can only be applied by editing this file to insert a new parameter line; they do not appear anywhere in the configuration screens. Cumulus does not write these values back out to the file on shut down, so they do not appear with default values - in other words, you need to ''add'' them if you want to set them. Make sure you place these additional parameters in the correct section as listed below.
=== GeneralEditing notesoutside Cumulus ===
*It is best to take a copy of the existing cumulus.ini file before you make any changes (either by using application screens or by editing the file), so you can return to the original if necessary.
*If your system is configured to use a comma for a decimal separator, then you should use a comma in any decimal values that you set in this file.
*You should use a text editor (not a rich text editor nor word processor) to edit this file as only letters, numerical digits, decimal separators and the equals symbol are allowed in any parameter. If you use a spreadsheet program to make use of the manipulation it offers, ensure it is set to output in pure text.
*The parameter lines (attribute=value) can be in any order, but must be in the correct section. You might find it helpful to sort the attributes within a section into alphabetical order, to ''ensure you have no duplicates'' and to make it easier to find the particular parameter line you may wish to edit in the future.
== File Contents ==
=== Introduction ===
All installations (using the latest release of Cumulus) will contain the following sections (although the order in the file may be different to that in this article).
Some sections relate to the external websites that Cumulus can optionally supply with updates. These are set by configuration screens and the whole sections will always be present. If you do not use those services their parameters will be set to the defaults.
Each new version of cumulus may add additional parameters set by revised configuration screens (these initially appear at the end of the relevant section), and/or permit additional parameters to be added manually (these can be inserted anywhere within the section). If you are using an old version, then checking the release information may be advisable to identify the sections applicable to your build and the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below. Equally if you are using a beta build, there may be changes to the information shown below with additional sections and/or additional parameters under test.
= File Contents =
=== Introduction ===
The entries shown in the 'parameter line entry' column include the default value from the configuration screen where applicable, a typical example value where appropriate, or just the attribute and an equals sign where there is no typical value.
=== Section: Station ===
See individual parameters for specific instructions on setting them. In many cases this is by using Station Configuration Screen, but if the parameter line does not exist in your file, then insert it using a file editor as per instructions above.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|Station Type as set by the checked radio box in the [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Configuration_Menu_Screens|Station Configuration Screen]], Station Type block. For details of [[Supported_Devices]] click that link.
*0=Vantage Pro
*1=Vantage Pro2
|Model="your Model description"
|The weather station model description (- you choose what text appears for this on (from version 1.9) 'Display' settings screen within Configuration menu - the field is at the bottom left of that screen).
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, but to type Latitude (unsigned) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and select 'N' or 'S' in the Station Configuration Screen Location block. Value in this parameter is Latitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for North, Negative for South
Value in this parameter is Latitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for North, Negative for South
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, but to type Longitude (unsigned) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and select 'E' or 'W' in the Station Configuration Screen Location block. Value in this parameter is Longitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for East, Negative for West
Value in this parameter is Longitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for East, Negative for West
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, but to type Latitude Degrees, Minutes, Seconds in the Station Configuration Screen Location block. Latitude in text string format of hemisphere D, M and S. HTML ampersand codes are used for spaces and unit characters.
Latitude in text string format of hemisphere D, M and S. HTML ampersand codes are used for spaces and unit characters.
|Altitude measurement unit as set in the Station Configuration Screen Location block.
*0 = metersmetres ASLAbove Sea Level
*1 = feet ASL
=== Section: Offsets ===
Set these parameters using the '''Configuration''' menu and ''Calibration'' screen, nothing else can be added to this section.
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=== Section: Web Site ===
All parameters edited in the Internet Configuration screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Site block.
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=== Section: FTP Site ===
See individual entries for how to edit these parameters.
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=== Section: Display ===
Set these parameters using Configuration menu and either ''Display'' or ''Colours'' screens.
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=== Section: Graphs ===
Set many of these parameters using '''Configuration''' menu and either ''Display'' (Graphs block) or ''Colours'' screens.
Set the colours of the data lines on graphs/charts and Select whether to plot particular data by using '''View''' menu and ''Graphs'' option, then right click over the relevant graph.
=== Section: Alarms ===
Set these using the '''Edit''' menu, ''Alarms'' screen.
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|Path and file name for the sound file used for the Pressure Change Alarm
== Sections dealing with interfaces to external sites ==
=== Section: WUnderground ===
=== Section: NOAA ===
All these can be set in the NOAA Setup Screen in Configuration menu. You might select to close Cumulus, and edit the 'Norm' parameters by using a external editor to manipulate into required format, copy, and paste, the values from another source (as there are a lot of figures to type in).
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=== Section: Solar ===
Set mostly in solar block at foot of Station Settings screen of Configuration menu.
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=== Section: MainForm ===
This sectionis alsoan appears in a shorter cumulus.ini stored in the reports sub-directory where it stores the position of your last saved NOAA form. Cumulus updates thisoptional section of the main cumulus.ini on closing, after you move the screen around on your monitor, if you have set 'Save main window position' on Display settings screen.
This section appears in the main cumulus.ini (found in same directory as cumulus.exe) where it stores the position of the main Cumulus screen on your monitor. Cumulus updates this section of the main cumulus.ini on closing, after you move the screen around on your monitor. An equivalent section also appears in a shorter cumulus.ini stored in the reports sub-directory where it stores the position of your last saved NOAA screen.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|The last saved Cumulus main screen position, in pixels from the top edge of the screen
=== Section: Proxies ===
Cumulus 1.9.4 beta build 1061 introduces these. Currently, search the forum using the term 'proxies' for more details. They will be described here when 1.9.4 becomes a full release, currently they are being tested.
[[Category: Configuration_Files]]
