FAQ: Difference between revisions

715 bytes added ,  1 October 2017
Fine Offset stations have a habit of producing unbelievable readings, and Cumulus filters many of these out automatically. You can also use the 'spike removal' settings on the calibration page, and Cumulus will then filter out large changes in readings. Please read the help for how to use these settings. Another possible explanation is that you have chosen the wrong station type in the Cumulus station settings. You should only select the "Fine Offset with UV/Light sensor" type if your station actually has SENSORS for these. Your station may have solar CHARGING, but this is not the same as having a solar SENSOR, and so you should choose the "Fine Offset (WH1080 etc)" type. Typically, stations which do have solar SENSORS have a model number which starts with a '3', e.g. WS3080, and stations without solar sensors start with a '1' or '2'. Selecting the wrong type of station will cause Cumulus to misinterpret the logger data read from the station (which it uses when it starts up) and hence incorrect readings will result, typically when you restart Cumulus.
If you have bought your Fine Offset station in recent years, a USB lock-up problem is very common and around 50 threads in the support forum are about this. Correcting the lock-up often requires resetting the console, and that can have an undesirable side effect of Cumulus then getting invalid data from the station. The correction of invalid rainfall figures is covered in subsequent paragraphs. Errors in other measurements are one-off errors and should not affect subsequent readings. You still may need, as explained in the relevent Wiki entries, to delete a single line from your monthly log file with rogue values, and correct any incorrect extremes that have been recorded in the various record log files.
== My station invented some rain that didn't really occur, and I want to set it to zero (or some other figure) ==
